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» Số ngành hàng: 413
» Tổng số SP: 1834
» Tổng lượt xem: 17545749

Khoảng đo:
Nhiệt độ:  0 ~ 50°C
Độ ẩm tương đối:   10 ~ 95% r.h.
Độ ẩm tuyệt đối:    0.5 ~ 74.4g/m³
Nhiệt độ điểm sương:   -27.3 ~ 47.9°C
Độ phân giải       
Nhiệt độ:   0.1°C
 Độ ẩm tương đối:  0.1%
 Độ ẩm tuyệt đối:  0.1g/m³
Độ chính xác:             
Nhiệt độ:   ±1K
 Độ ẩm tương đối:  ±3%
Độ ẩm tương đối:   ±2%
Thời gian đáp ứng: khoảng 10 giây
Giá trị cực đại, giá trị cực tiểu và tính năng giữ số liệu đo tạm thời.
Sensor đo nhiệt độ độ ẩm dài 1.1 m cáp.
Nguồn: Pin 9 V
Điều kiện hoạt động:    -20 ~ 50°C / 0 ~ 100% r.h.
Kích thước  (máy): 165 x 80 x 33mm
Kích thước (sensor)
150 x 30mm (Sensor đo nhiệt độ, độ ẩm)
50 x 30mm (sensor đo nhiệt độ bề mặt)
Khối lượng:  380g
Cung cấp bao gồm:
Máy PCE-WM1, sensor loại rời ( đo nhiệt độ, độ ẩm), sensor loại rời (đo nhiệt độ) , pin hộp đựng và hướng dẫn sử dụng.
Phụ kiện tùy chọn:
Chứng nhận ISO.
Hãng sản xuất : PCE – Anh

Bảo hành: 12 tháng

Absolute Humidity Meter to measures absolute and relative humidity in % and g/m³, ambient temperature, dew point with an external sensor

The PCE-WM 1 Absolute Humidity Meter has a wide range of uses and can determine relative humidity in % and absolute humidity in g/m³ to a high degree of accuracy. With this Absolute Humidity Meter  ambient conditions can be measured, such as relative humidity and ambient temperature, and can also measure surface temperature with an external sensor which comes with the device. The Absolute Humidity Meter can also calculate dew point and can also calculate relative humidity in g/m³. This device is used extensively in the construction sector or in the food industry to develop new products and ensure quality and freshness. The Absolute Humidity Meter comes calibrated from the manufacturer but is uncertified. A DIN ISO calibration from an accredited laboratory can be ordered, please contact to enquire. We can perform an annual recalibration to meet ISO standards.

- Measure humidity and ambient temperature using an external temperature sensor and an external sensor for measuring surface temperaturue.

- Shows absolute and relative humidity in % or g/m³ and temperature.

- Determines dew point.

- ISO 9000 laboratory calibration and certificate (optional).

- Minimum, maximum values and Peak Hold.

- Designed for the food industry to control ambent conditions and for ventilation problems in  buildings.

View or print the user's manual
PCE-WM 1 absolute humidity meter: user's manual


PCE-WM 1 absolute humidity meter

PCE-WM 1 Absolute Humidity Meter

Technical Specifications (the same for both devices)

Measurement range:
                               Relative humidity
                               Absolute humidity
                               Dew point temperature

0 to 50°C
10 to 95% r.h.
0.5 to 74.4g/m³
-27.3 to 47.9°C

Resolution:             Temperature
                               Relative humidity
                               Absolute humidity


Precision:               Temperature
                               Relative humidity
                               Absolute humidity

Response time approx. 10 s
Minimum, Maximum values and Peak Hold yes
External temperature sensor 1.1m cable
Power 9V battery
Operating conditions -20 to 50°C / 0 to 100% r.h.
Dimensions (device) 165 x 80 x 33mm
Dimensions (sensor) 150 x 30mm (ambient temperature / humidity)
50 x 30mm (surface temperature)
Weight 380g

Dew point / Dew point temperature

Dew point temperature is defined as the actual content of water vapour in the air found at the maximum level (100% of relative humidity of air). Dew point is therefore an independent measure from the actual temperature. One way of measuring dew point is freezing a metal pipe until moisture forms on its surface. When water vapour appears, the metal has reached dew point temperature. The most common of measuring this uses a wet thermometer together with a dry thermometer. The wet thermometer shows dew point and with the ambient temperature, relative humidity can be determined. This device deos this calculation automatically.

Relative humidity / Absolute humidity in % or g/m³

The expression "relative humidity" represents the degree of relative saturation of air, which is to say at which percentage is given the maximum saturation of air moisture at this temperature. The scientific definition of "relative air humidity" refers to the relationship of the partial pressure of water vapour with respect the to pressure of water saturation. The word air doesn't appear in the definition as relative air humidity is totally independent from the existing quantity of nitrogen or of oxygen. The pressure of the vapour of saturation of the water vapour in the space is equal to a high atmospheric pressure. To show if the air is dry or humid, following relative air humidity, one decisive factor of absolute humidity is air in grammes of water per kilogram of air. In certain volumes, air humidity in absolute terms can be shown in g/m³. This image shows the relationship between relative humidity, absolute humidity and temperature:
                     The PCE-WM 1 absolute humidity meter introduces the concepts in the graphic above.
The PCE-WM 1 absolute humidity meter introduces the concepts in the graphic above. The device determines relative humidity, ambient temperature, surface temperature and calculates dew point and air water content in g/m³. These values can be seen on the display with the help of the selecting dial. The absolute humidity meter can be recalibrated and certified to meet ISO standards, and thanks to the devices accuracy, will provide the same results.

Delivery contents
PCE-WM1 Absolute Humidity Meter, external combined sensor (for ambient temperature and relative humidity), external sensor for surface temperature, battery, carrying case and user's manual

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ĐT: 04.3873.0880 - Hotline: 090.400.3848 - Fax: 04.3873.0880
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Máy đo nhiệt độ, độ ẩm PCE-WM 1, Máy đo nhiệt độ và độ ẩm PCE Máy đo nhiệt độ, độ ẩm PCE-WM 1, Máy đo nhiệt độ và độ ẩm PCE By Siêu thị thiết bị điện máy Quang Minh: nhà cung cấp Máy đo nhiệt độ, độ ẩm PCE-WM 1 Chính hãng Giá rẻ nhất - Gọi ngay 04.3873.0880 - 090.400.3848 5 sao trên 1900 khách hàng bình chọn