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Tải trọng lớn nất

20kg / 196N

Độ phân dải

10g / 0.05N

Cấp chính xác

±0.5%, +2 digit

Đơn vị đo lường

Gramo / Newton

Khả năng chịu quá tải lớn nhất


Giao tiếp máy tính


Phần mềm và cáp

lựa chọn thêm

Truyền dữ liệu

Dữ liệu được truyền lên máy tính, 2s một lần

Màn hình hiển thị

4  số LCD; cao 10mm 

Chức năng đo

 Đo lực căng, lực nén

Nguồn cung cấp

6 pin AA hoặc adaptor

Kích thước

227 x 83 x 39mm

trongj lượng máy


Hãng sản xuất: PCE - Anh

Bảo hành: 12 tháng

Dynamometer for measuring traction and compression up to 20kg with RS-232 interface 

The PCE-FM200 dynamometer are coltrolled by a microprocessor with an easy to read display traction and compression. The display of the dynamometer can be turned 180°, allowing the readings to be visible regardless of the position of the device itself. The devcie is manufactured to be used with a test position accessory. It is powered by batteries or a mains adaptor (an additional 500mA power source is available to order).
To tranfer data to a computer, the dynamometer requires software and an RS-232 cable which are available as accessories. The dynamometric cell can be attached to the LTS 20 test position. The test position is ideal for measuring traction or compression in quality control and in laboratory experiments.

  • Maximum value for readings of traction and compression

  • Zero reset by way of keypad, if required

  • Peak Hold function

  • Auto shut-off

  • Mounting holes on the back of the device when it needs to be fixed into place while measuring

  • Battery level indicator

  • Overload protection = 150%

View or print the user's manual
 for the PCE-FM200
user'a manual for the PCE-FM200 dynamometer

       PCE-FM series dynamometer
PCE-FM series dynamometer

Technical specifications

Maximum load

20kg / 196N


10g / 0.05N


±0.5%, +2 digit

Units of measurement

Gramo / Newton

Maximum overlaod




Software and cable


Data transmission


View or print the user's manual
for the software
PCE-FM50 or PCE-FM200 dynamometer software user's manual

Data transfers to a computer, using the software, at a rate of one reading every 2 seconds.
The dynamometer can trasfer data at a quicker rate when transferring from memory to a computer, one reading every 0.25 seconds using Windows hyper terminal.


4 digit LCD; 10mm high

Measurement functions

 measures force as friction and compression, with Peak Hold function


6 AA batteries or mains adaptor


227 x 83 x 39mm



Readings can be transferred to a computer by way of the RS-232 connection and software. The following link has information pertaining to the software pack.




Software for the PCE-FM dynamometer

Software indicating the time interval in which the device shows and adjusts measurement values. Can indicate digitally and with graphic curves.

       PCE-FM50 or PCE-FM200 dynamometer: analogue representation
Software with the curve of dynamometer: Can choose between representation in analogue or digital. 

        PCE-FM50 or PCE-FM200 dynamometer: digital representation
Image of software with digital representation which provides a higher accuracy of data reading.

Examples of use

      PCE-FM50 or PCE-FM200 dynamometer: determining force by connection          PCE-FM50 or PCE-FM200 dynamometer: determining force by weight
             dynamometer measuring force by                                   dynamometer measuring
                            connection                                                           force by weight

 PCE-FM 200 dynamometer

 User's manual

 Adaptor with flat head

 Adaptor with hook

 Adaptor with spherical head

 Adaptor with knife-shaped head

 Extension rod (120mm)

 Carrying case

PCE-FM50 or PCE-FM200 dynamometer: back of the device
product outline

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ĐT: 04.3873.0880 - Hotline: 090.400.3848 - Fax: 04.3873.0880
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Máy đo lực kế PCE-FM200 20kg / 196N, Máy đo lực kế Máy đo lực kế PCE-FM200 20kg / 196N, Máy đo lực kế By Siêu thị thiết bị điện máy Quang Minh: nhà cung cấp Máy đo lực kế PCE-FM200 Chính hãng Giá rẻ nhất - Gọi ngay 04.3873.0880 - 090.400.3848 5 sao trên 3090 khách hàng bình chọn